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Secure Your Seat For The New Fiction Profits
Academy A.I. Program And Save $2,000

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Secure Your Seat For The New Fiction Profits Academy A.I. Program And Save $2,000

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Get INSTANT access today

  • New FPA A.I. Publishing Course
  • Live Group Coaching 5X Per Week
  • ​Private FPA Community
  • ​25-Day Publishing Fast Track
  • Bonus #1: FREE A.I. Software for 1 year
  • ​Bonus #2: $500 action-taker rebate 
  • ​Bonus #3: Top 100 proven book topics
  • ​Bonus #4: FPA-approved ghostwriters
  • Bonus #5: Bestseller Monthly Breakdown
  • ​Bonus #6: ABC’s of tech ​
  • ​Bonus #7: Generational wealth secrets
  • ​Bonus #8: Extra FPA membership
  • ​"One Book” 6-month, 100% Money Back Guarantee

Total Value: $14,000

Normally: $4,000

Only $1,995 Today

*Testimonials are from actual students with unique results. Your results will vary depending on factors that are unique to you, including your effort and level of commitment. We do not guarantee any earnings or that you will make a profit.

As Seen On:

Here's what you get...

New 2024 FPA A.I. Video Course

We guide you through our unique income system step-by-step so you always know what to do next.

$5,000 Value

Live Group Coaching 5X Per Week

Just Listen In, Or Ask As Many Questions As You Like - These Interactive Calls Give You Direct Access To The Hard-Earned Wisdom Of 6 And 7-Figure Online Publishers. 

$5,000 Value

​Private FPA Community

We're All In This Together - When You've Got A Question You'll Get The Support You Need Fast. 

 $3,000 Value

​25-Day Publishing Fast Track

Our program is designed to get you making money as fast as possible! Just Follow Our Simple Step-by-step Fast Track.

 $1,000 Value

Total Value $14,000

Normally $4,000

$1,995 Today
Plus 8 amazing bonuses!
Bonus #1 - FREE A.I. Software for 1 year

Our New, Easy-To-Use A.I. software makes publishing a cake walk. What used to take weeks now takes Just seconds!


Bonus #2 -  $500 Action-Taker Rebate

publish your first book & we Hand you $500!


Bonus #3 - Top 100 proven book topics
30Day DOTCOM Secrets Challenge

100 Book Topics Proven To Sell - Handed To You On A Silver Platter 


Bonus #4 - FPA-approved ghostwriters
Funnel Audibles Bonus

Unrestricted access to our Trusted Low-Cost professional network of Experienced Ghostwriters!


Bonus #5 - Bestseller monthly breakdown
Funnel Audibles Bonus

We Keep Your Finger On The Pulse Of All The Latest Publishing Trends, So You Can Capitalize, Even As Others Get Left Behind 


Bonus #6 - ABC’s of tech​
Funnel Audibles Bonus

By Holding Your Hand The Entire Way, We Empower You To Use The Simple Tech That Can Change Your Life.


Bonus #7 - Generational wealth secrets
Funnel Audibles Bonus

Learn The easy "generational Wealth" strategy That Lets You Pass Down Your Publishing $$$$$$ To Your Loved Ones.


Bonus #8 - Free Partner Membership
30Day DOTCOM Secrets Challenge

Join today and you get a FREE additional membership to gift to a friend or family member.


Total Value $14,000

Normally $4,000

$1,995 Today
See our student's success...
Total Value $14,000

Normally $4,000

$1,995 Today
"One Book" 6-month, 100% Money Back Guarantee
Join today and benefit from our "One Book" 6-month, 100% money-back guarantee. All we ask is that you publish one single book on Amazon within those first 6 months.

No hidden catches, no fine print. If you decide it's not for you after publishing your book, we'll promptly refund your money.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the A.I. software and $500 rebate really only available for the next 24 hours?

Yes. The proprietary AI software you saw us demonstrate in the webinar, as well as the $500 action-taker rebate, are strictly available only to those who enroll in FPA within the next 24 hours.

Ordinarily, an annual one year subscription to our AI software is $588. However, we want our software in the hands of the biggest action-takers as it’s inevitably going to lead to some incredible success stories which will make our program look even better. So we’re offering it to you during this limited-time window for free with your decision to join FPA today.

The same goes for our $500 action-taker rebate. All you need to do is publish one book on Amazon following our system, and generate just 20 reviews using our proven review-getting method we teach you in our course. When you do that we send you $500. We love sending out this money as much as people love receiving it!

Naturally, we cannot offer these 2 bonus gifts to everyone, as they cost us a lot of money, so we offer it strictly to fast action-takers, as these are the people we like working with the most.

Please note that the countdown timer on this page is not designed to pressure you in any way. We include it as a service to you so you know when your access to these 2 special time-sensitive bonus gifts is set to expire. If you don’t want to miss on these valuable bonus gifts we encourage you to enroll in FPA today!

I’ve watched the webinar but I still have questions. Can I speak to someone?

Absolutely! If you’ve got questions we’ve got answers!

We want to give you whatever information you feel you need to help you make an informed decision about joining Fiction Profits Academy (FPA.)

If the webinar didn't address your specific question, and if you don’t see it answered in these extensive FAQs, feel free to to book an appointment and talk to a real person here: Calendly - Book A Call

I don’t have the upfront money. Are there payment plan options?

We don’t want money to stand in the way of you becoming a digital publisher. So to make digital publishing accessible to everyone we’re offering simple payment plan options.

For U.S. residents, we offer a flexible payment option (with no interest or fees) through Elective. Your specific payment plan will be decided based on your credit score and history. Once you apply, Elective immediately lets you know what payment plan best suits your situation.

These options are designed to provide you with the full financial flexibility you need to start your publishing journey. During checkout, simply choose the option that fits your needs best. We look forward to supporting you every step of the way inside FPA!

How does Elective work?

For U.S. residents, Elective allows you to enroll in Fiction Profits Academy without needing to shoulder the full enrollment fee all at once. Instead, you can split your fee into manageable bitesize monthly payments.

Here's how it works:

1. Select Elective at Checkout: When you're ready to enroll, simply choose Elective as your payment method during the checkout process.

2. Apply In 60 seconds: You'll be walked through a straightforward application process. Elective will quickly assess your eligibility and provide you with transparent information about your monthly payment options.

Elective only available for U.S. residents with an acceptable credit score and history. For non-US residents, or if Elective can’t help you at this time, we offer the budget-friendly $997 x 3 payment plan during checkout. This option allows you to spread your payments over time.

Got questions about Elective? Our friendly and knowledgeable customer support team is here to help. Reach out to us at - we'll help you in any way we can!

What makes your course different from other online publishing courses?

It’s a fact that plenty of people teach Amazon publishing online. What makes us different is that we focus on publishing fiction books, while most other people focus on non-fiction, even though 91% of books sold on Amazon Kindle are fiction books!

Simply put, an analysis of the top 100 Amazon charts shows you that 91% of books in the top of the charts are fiction. Therefore, the biggest money on Kindle is found in fiction publishing.

The new proprietary AI software you saw demonstrated in the webinar is far and away the fastest and simplest way to publish high-quality fiction books available today. As you saw, it requires no tech skills whatsoever and is built with beginners in mind.

Moreover, our comprehensive program and group coaching equips you to enter the publishing world with no experience whatsoever, as our step-by-step approach is designed to be fool-proof.

Plus, our student body consists of men and women of all ages and backgrounds. This incredible diversity makes us all stronger. In FPA nothing can hold you back from success. Our support system is second to none, and our focus on community means you’re never alone in your publishing journey.

Backed by the generosity of our ironclad 6-month, 100% money back guarantee, we hope you’ll join us today and experience the FPA difference for yourself!

I’m extremely busy - how much time do I need to give?

The great thing about digital publishing is that it’s flexible to your life.

We’ve gone to great lengths to design FPA specifically for busy people. We’ve pioneered AI software that slashes the time it takes to publish high-quality books. And our course is a “no-fluff-zone.” You just follow it step-by-step and click where we click.

This lets our students be incredibly time efficient and productive, even in short windows of time.
So you can build your business at your own pace, around your job and family responsibilities, without stress and overwhelm.

Whether you can give this business a few hours a week or much more, you can do this.
The hard truth is that when people keep using being busy as a reason not to start something, nothing changes. They’ll always be busy.

If you want to do something about that then join us now. Don’t miss out on claiming a free one-year annual subscription to our AI software, worth $588 or the $500 action-taker rebate, as both of these bonus gifts strictly expire within the next 24 hours.

I’m not a writer - will this still work for me?

Of course!

The best thing about Fiction Profits Academy might be that it opens up the wonderful world of fiction publishing to non-writers!

We share how to leverage the power of ghostwriters. These talented professionals love writing books and getting paid to bring story ideas to life.

As you saw in our webinar, you don’t need to come up with the story ideas yourself. With just a couple clicks of your mouse, our expert AI software does it all for you. This means you can do this with absolutely no writing or publishing experience whatsoever.

The vast majority of our students are not writers. But it just doesn’t matter!

Our foolproof step-by-step course, along with our proprietary AI software, offers non-writers the chance to tap into the proven profit potential of Amazon Kindle.

I am a writer, will this work for me!


We aren’t just experts at hiring ghostwriters. We are experts in marketing. The reason most ghostwriters aren’t successful with self-publishing is because marketing is a skill that many writers fail to master because writing is usually a full-time job.

Well, FPA teaches marketing mastery and we are most proud of our ability to consistently teach top 100 marketing tactics that are easy to follow. If you are a writer, you can become a marketing genius in no time with our program!

What kind of support do I get in the course?

The cornerstone of Fiction Profits Academy is our unprecedented support. Here’s how we support you at every step towards achieving your goals:

Like-Minded Community - When you enroll in FPA, you gain access to our thriving community filled with friendly go-getters and highly experienced coaches. You can network with Amazon publishers who are enjoying substantial monthly incomes by following the FPA publishing system and utilizing our AI software. You can also connect with fellow students, share encouragement, insights, and celebrate each other’s wins. As a valued member of this community, every day you can take motivation and new insights from this incredible group of like-minded individuals. As you see success on your own publishing journey you can eventually give back to others by sharing what you’ve learned to motivate others.

5 Weekly Group Coaching Q&A Sessions - These intimate and rewarding live sessions allow you to interact with our experienced instructors. You can ask questions and receive answers from these expert publishers. You can use these live sessions to sharpen your understanding of publishing concepts, seek feedback, and learn from other people’s experiences.

Experienced Coaches - Every FPA coach is a successful Amazon publisher who’s used our unique system to create a new life for themselves and their family. Not so long ago, these coaches were in your shoes, seeking a way to enjoy more freedom in their life. They stumbled on FPA just like you’ve done and their lives have never been the same since. Our coaches are hand-selected by us for personality traits such as “caring,” “friendly,” and “endlessly patient and encouraging.” You’ll love your interactions with them. But don’t take our word for it. If you check out our verified reviews on TrustPilot you will see member after member raving about the consistent quality and attentiveness of our coaching support.

Keeping You On The Cutting-Edge - The publishing industry is always evolving, so we always keep you informed of new strategies and best practices, to ensure your publishing business moves with the times. The best example of this is our proprietary AI software. This user-friendly tool (that we demonstrated to you in the webinar) is only available to FPA students. We’re putting you ahead of the curve as the world leans more and more on artificial intelligence. With FPA you’ll always know your business is operating at the cutting-edge of the publishing industry.

Long-term Support - Our commitment to you and your success doesn’t stop when you complete the course. We stay at your shoulder for the long-term, keeping you connected to our community, our valuable tools and resources, and our world-class support team.

At Fiction Profits Academy we support you in every possible way, so you’re never alone in the publishing process. All of the expert guidance, friendly advice, and heartfelt encouragement you need is always just fingertips away.

If I want a refund, how do I get my money back?

We stand behind the effectiveness of our program, and we're committed to your success. That's why we offer a generous 6-month refund guarantee – the "One Book Guarantee."

Our entire program is all about publishing books on Amazon Kindle. So naturally, our one and only refund requirement is that you publish a book on Amazon following our step-by-step system. Which is now easier than ever thanks to the beginner-friendly AI software you saw demonstrated in the webinar.

After all, the only way to make a fully informed decision about whether or not this will work for you is to actually publish a book. This is the only way to fulfill your full potential and see the kind of impressive results our system can deliver.

So, by giving Fiction Profits Academy a fair chance and publishing a book, you're backed by our 6-month 100% money-back guarantee.

How do I know this is legit and not some kind of scam?

We understand if you’re skeptical. Here’s 3 ways you can rest assured that Fiction Profits Academy is a proven and legitimate program.

1. As you saw in the webinar, we (and our founder Karla Marie) have been featured in major media outlets like USA Today (the largest circulation newspaper in North America.) We’ve also been featured in Digital Caller, Female First, and many other popular news outlets. Naturally, these media outlets would never risk their reputation and the trust they’ve built with millions of loyal readers, by reporting on anything that wasn’t the real deal.

2. You’ve already seen tons of student success stories. Due to time limitations in the webinar we could only show a portion of the results we’ve gotten for students over the past 9 years of being in business.

3. TrustPilot is where people go to get a transparent window into any company, since TrustPilot verifies reviews and companies can’t “game the system.” We invite you to view our 1,500+ unfiltered reviews on TrustPilot and see for yourself why we have a 4.9 rating out of 5.

Of course, we believe in total transparency. We're here to address any questions or concerns you may have. If you need further reassurance, please reach out to our friendly and dedicated support team at

I’m not confident in my technical abilities. Can I still do this?

Everything we do here at Fiction Profits Academy is designed to be beginner-friendly.

You saw that when we demonstrated our proprietary AI software. It simply couldn’t be any easier.

We also give you the step-by-step training needed to navigate the publishing platforms with total confidence.

From creating your book, to uploading it to Amazon, we make the entire process a breeze, even if you don’t have any tech skills, or you lack confidence with technology.

Instead, we empower you to feel capable and confident at all times.

Plus, if you ever have any questions, we’ll give you all of the friendly support you need. Again, FPA is built to be beginner-friendly. So join us now (make sure you claim your 2 time-sensitive bonus gifts) and you’ll be publishing books in no time flat!

What are the costs of creating my book? What budget do I need?

Your course fee covers one year access to our new AI software, all the core training, course access, live coaching, and all the valuable resources needed to succeed as an Amazon publisher.

It’s important to note that even though our AI software is able to automate a full 90% of the book creation process for you, it isn’t able to write complete books yet. However, our course does offer comprehensive step-by-step training on using a variety of other AI tools in tandem to create full, complete books. 

We have students who are already doing this with exceptional results. This fully eliminates the need for any additional ghostwriter investments. 

If you do choose to use a ghostwriter, depending on the experience of the writer, $300 to $800 is the range of pricing to expect. We recommend starting off small by investing $300 to get a great book made. 

We also recommend, to maximize their income potential, that our students publish one book per month.

These are ballpark amounts and they can change, but transparency is one of our company core values. 

Once your business is earning stable income, you may also want to consider using ads to promote your books that can help you reach a wider audience and boost your sales. 

To be clear: Ads are not required.

How much or how little you choose to invest into ads is totally up to you, your budget and your comfort level. We have successful students who choose to use ads, and successful students who rarely use ads. It’s a matter of personal choice.
There are also a few small and optional miscellaneous software costs like potentially hiring a book cover designer. These costs are extremely low compared to any other kind of online business. That’s the great advantage of selling digital products on Amazon, it means there are no inventory or storage costs.

Overall, we strongly advise and teach you how to keep your costs as low as possible at the start, and then gradually make more investments in your business as you start to generate income from your books. 

Can I do this anywhere in the world?


Here at Fiction Profits Academy we want to make Amazon publishing accessible to everyone around the world.

Whether you're in the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa, or any other continent, you can publish books on Amazon using our system and take advantage of Amazon's world-leading global audience.

Can I earn a lot of money with this?

Our webinar introduced you to people from all walks of life who are seeing remarkable financial success with our publishing system. That said, like with anything in life, individual results may vary. Ultimately, we can show you how to make money but exactly how much money you choose to make is up to you.

We make sure to equip you with everything you need to generate passive income streams that continue to grow and compound over time. So your efforts and dedication to the publishing process pay off for the rest of your life.

We look at publishing success as a two-way street. We do our part to provide you with all of the world-class support and training you need, and you will need to consistently implement what you are learning, and to use our breakthrough tools and resources to their fullest potential.

Especially our proprietary AI software, which is a game-changing advancement in publishing productivity. As what used to take weeks, now takes just minutes.

So while, obviously, we cannot guarantee specific income amounts, we do everything in our power to provide you with the unique tools and rock-solid support system you need to thrive as an Amazon publisher.
Total Value $14,000

Normally $4,000

$1,995 Today
*Earnings shown are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results from years of testing. We don't guarantee you will get the same results. This site is not endorsed by neither Google nor Facebook. Google is a trademark of Google, Inc. Facebook is a trademark of Meta, Inc.
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